Cat allergies have always been a problem when someone comes to visit us. Most sufferers take an OTC drug before arriving, then complain of how overly dry their mouth, eyes and nose are.

Then, I read about Vitamin C acting as an antihistamine. Woohoo! The next week I met one of our allergy guests at the door and offered her some Vitamin C. She said she had tried that before, but it didn’t work. However, the trick is to take enough to have the antihistamine action start working. It could take about 2,000 mg or 4 Super C tablets. All we had in the house was ALL-C chewable so I said, “Here, take 4 or 5 of these”.

After several hours I asked how she was doing and, to her surprise she had forgotten about being in an allergy house. Not one sneeze, sniffle, itch or watery eye. Yahoo for Vitamin C.

Taking C daily has been even minimized attacks for many and stops all attacks in some. Others have said they received greater results by taking Super B along with the Vitamin C.

Click Super C Time Released  non-gmo.

Click ALL-C Chewable tablets non-gmo

Click Super B Time Released tablets non-gmo

Vitamin C and Cataracts. Numerous studies have linked vitamin C intake and decreased risk of cataracts. In one study, women taking vitamin C for 10 years or more experienced a 64 percent reduction in the risk of developing nuclear cataracts.




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