Pro Vitality Complete Antioxidant Vitamin Complex
Our Diet Impacts Our Health & Vitality
■ 90% of us don’t eat the recommended 5-13 servings of fruits and vegetables
■ 70% of us admit to eating foods that actually contribute to poor health
■ Less than 1 serving of whole grains are consumed on a daily basis—many don’t even get that
■ Protective lipids and sterols have been stripped from whole grains to increase their shelf life
■ Many don’t eat fish due to concerns about the presence of heavy metals and contaminants
■ A majority of people are below the estimated average requirement for some basic, essential vitamins and minerals
Whole Food Nutrients Can Optimize Health
■ Leading global health authorities like the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and American Heart Association agree that the key to preventing disease and promoting health is weight management, physical activity and eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes whole grains, fruits & vegetables and fish.
■ Everyone should increase consumption of whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids— and maintain a healthy weight.
■ But even those with good intentions to eat a healthy diet face challenges. Busy lifestyles, eating on-the-run, and the prevalence of processed foods all contribute towards nutritional gaps that would benefit from nutritional supplements.
Pro Vitality Complete Antioxidant Vitamin Complex
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Neolife products are the best vitamins for all